It was suppose to be a joyous day. My family and I were dropping our son for the first time. As a freshman, they have many activities to make you feel welcomed. One was a family lunch in the CMU's HUB. We grabbed our sandwiches and went looking for a place to sit. Completely empty tables were now scarce, but luckily we found one with a family of 3 so there were 5 empty seats available---just what we needed.

Shyly, I asked the family sitting at the table, if these seats were occupied. I received an inaudible mumble, but didn't take it as they were expecting more family. I sat down and the rest of my family, (4) Black males caught up to me and sat down. As we settled in, I attempted eye contact and a smile towards the family (thinking a universal symbol of friendliness was we needed to break the ice). I figured we may not understand stand each other, but for the next 15 min we may be able to share a quick meal and bask in the mutal joy of having our children attend their dream school.

Well, the Father was visibly uncomfortable and squirming in his seat so much that they didn't hesitate to get up and move to another table. Although too mortified to even follow with my eyes where they were going, I managed to see them find a spot with people who looked like them. I was so disheartened and embarrassed to see that happen that I didn't want to point it out to my family as we ate our lunch. I was not about to let this incident steal my family's joy and absorbed that experience entirely.

Needless to say, I was very nervous about leaving my son there as not everyone has received the memo that black scholars matter. Not only do we have to educate some US born people, but we also have to educate international people from the beginning that we are not just some random person attending this school; my child earned his place at CMU.”

-Anonymous parent